Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Sample Structure of an Essay

Sample Structure of an EssayAre you trying to decide on the sample structure of an essay to follow for a class that you are taking? There are many different essay structures that you can choose from, but you should choose the one that is most familiar to you. You want to make sure that you are writing with the correct structure and that it matches up with the format of the essay that you are using.The structure of the essay will determine the overall topic of the essay. There are a lot of topics that you can choose from, but there are two that are the most common and that you should use when you are writing an essay. These two topics are the present and the future.The first thing that you need to do is to write about the subject of the present. You have to have some kind of a reason as to why you want to talk about the present. Usually this comes from some experience or knowledge that you have of the present. You have to be able to connect this knowledge or experience to your essay.T he reason that you want to write about the present is to tell what you know about the present in the essay. You should also give examples as to how you learned about the present and why you think you should talk about it. This will help to make the topic easier to read for your reader.After you have taken some time to write about the present, then you can move on to writing about the future. The past and the future are two different things. The past is what happened, but the future is what is coming up. You can usually talk about the future when you are writing about the present, but you should be careful to only write about the future once.You want to make sure that you always give examples in your essay tohelp your readers understand what is being written about. It is very important that you understand how to use this type of structure in order to make your essay easy to read. If you do not understand the structure and how to use it properly, then you will have a hard time communi cating your ideas effectively.Once you have your essay written down, you will want to take some time to edit it. Take a little bit of time to get rid of some of the mistakes and to make sure that you have all of the information that you need in your essay. There are many different ways that you can do this, but you should definitely spend some time editing the essay before you send it in.There are many reasons as to why you might want to use this sample structure of an essay. You should take the time to look over this article and see if you are already using this format for your essays. If you are still struggling with your essays, then you might want to go to one of the sites that gives sample essays for free and see if you can get some help.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Signifying Monkey Essay Example For Students

The Signifying Monkey Essay A Theory of African?American Literary Criticism30 April 03English 311Henry Louis Gates, Jr. in The Signifying Monkey attempts to address both the lack of literary theory directed toward African?American literature and the Anglo? literary theories that are applied to African?American literature. He speaks of the relationship between both African and African?American speech and literature. Essentially, Gates contends that the voice of the black individual that is manifested in black literature should speak for itself and that the literary theory applied to black literature should be generated from within the black tradition itself, autonomously (xx). Namely, the purpose of devising such a theory is to explicate black works through black, not European, eyes. The intent, Gates states, is to magnify, not mystify the meanings which may not be evident to those who are alien to certain meanings or inferences. We will write a custom essay on The Signifying Monkey specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I once heard a comedian state something to effect that when slaves are portrayed in films or on television, they are made to sound ignorant and use a vernacular made popular mainly by its presentation in media. In all actuality, this comedian goes on to say, when blacks first came to this country, they spoke no English. The language that is portrayed in the media was actually English that was learned from ignorant ass slave owners. Seemingly, this can be applied to Gates when he speaks of the black tradition as being double?voiced. Novelists such as Ralph Ellison or Ishmael Reed are writing through a voice that is both black and white because, as Gates states, many black writers have learned to write from reading mainly traditional Western literature. Gates contends that his theory is not to applied only to black works because although he states that repetition and revision are fundamental to black artistic forms and that he focuses mainly on Signifyin(g) because of its fundamentalism. His implicit premise is that all works, whether motivated or unmotivated, Signify upon other works. Motivated signification, according to Gates, is manifested through such techniques as parody while unmotivated signification is manifest through such techniques as patiche. Neither, Gates asserts, is devoid of intent. Alice Walkers The Color Purple signifies Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God through its covert and overt methods of narration. Gates, himself, almost seems to signify post?structuralism, citing Saussures concept of the signifier and the signified.Essentially, Gates strives to assert that his theory is pertinent and direly needed to assess namely black literature but other literature as well because his theory has the capabilities of being applied to a plethora of works because they all, in some way or another, signify upon another text.